Pet Wellness Care

At Compass Veterinary Clinic, we aim to maximize the quality of your pet’s life through our wellness care measures.

Pet Wellness Care in Lake Oswego, OR

Preventative medicine is the key to having a healthy pet. At Compass Veterinary Clinic, we offer a wide range of preventative care services, including:

  • Annual Wellness Exams
  • Vaccinations
  • Routine Yearly Bloodwork
  • Geriatric Exams
  • Intestinal Parasite Screening and Treatment
  • Monthly Flea, Tick, and Heartworm Prevention
  • Microchipping
  • Interstate Health Certificates


Annual Exams & Vaccinations

Dr. Connolly strongly recommends that all pets, including rabbits and pocket pets as well as dogs and cats, receive an annual wellness exam every year.

“The annual exam lets me pick up any early warning signs of issues that may affect the pet in the future. I perform a very thorough nose-to-tail exam following a rigorous protocol to avoid missing anything. As Medical Director, I set the standards and train all of our Veterinarians so Compass provides a consistent and excellent level of care.”

Compass Veterinary Clinic recommends keeping your pet up-to-date on their vaccinations. Vaccines are a safe and effective way to prevent disease and ensure your pet’s continued health. Most preventative care, including vaccines, can be completed during your pet’s annual exam. During this time, the veterinarian is able to assess the pet’s overall health and discuss with you any recommendations they may have for your pet.



Studies have shown that the bond between people and their pets can lower stress, increase fitness, and bring happiness to their owners. But there is something else you should be aware of — pets sometimes carry diseases that can make people sick, too. These are known as zoonotic (zoe-oh-NOT-ic) diseases. It’s hard to know which animals could be carrying zoonotic diseases, especially since pets carrying these germs often look healthy and normal. Our goal at Compass is to keep your pets, your family, and the community a little safer. For more information about species-specific zoonotic diseases, visit the CDC Healthy Pets Healthy People website.



Wellness exams are perhaps the type of veterinary care that benefits most from Fear-Free practices. It can be easy to put off taking an anxious but seemingly healthy pet to the clinic for just one more month or year. That time can really add up for pets, however, and the danger of missing wellness exams can be life-threatening. Compass Veterinary Clinic is dedicated to offering Fear Free wellness care to help anxious pets lead happier, healthier lives.